Julie Sacha
Licensed Massage Therapist

Welcome to Mermaid Sanctuary Massage

I'm a licensed massage therapist in Tacoma, Washington. I know that every body is different and therefore I will customize your massage to what you and your body need. I specialize in deep tissue massage, but I'm trained in swedish, relaxation, trigger point, pregnancy, and medical as well. Now endorsed for intraoral massage as of April 2023. Intraoral massage is great for TMJ disorder, headaches, sinus pain, and neck pain. 

I am not working with any insurance for payments. Accepting debit, credit or cash payments only. Walk in's not accepted.

I operate out of my home, where I do have pets. They are kept out of the business portion of the house, however, if you have severe allergies to dogs or cats I may not be a good fit for you. 

My prices are posted in the "services" section but I wanted to add that I do have a few discounts available to help my business grow. I'm offering $10 off first appointment, for referring a new client, and for leaving me a review on Google-after your first appt. 


Call or text at 253-970-3644

Please be prepared to leave a message because I'm my own receptionist. I will get back to you as quickly as I can. I'm in Parkland near PLU and McChord, my exact address will be sent with appointment confirmation. 

Or follow this link to my scheduling site.
